Week 12: Tree rose

26 March, 2011

Tags: flowers, umeå, weekly photo

Two years ago there were some trees downtown that were old and had to be taken down. Parts of them were left and turned into sculptures by a man with a chainsaw.

There were much debate about these roses and some people find them despicable. I really like these flowers and is really happy that they are still standing!

Powered By Porridge2011-03-26 20:24:37
The artist that made the roses is Bengt-Erik Nilsson.
Margareta2011-03-30 20:03:10
Hej! Daniel berättade att han såg konstverken när han hälsade på i somras. Nästa gång jag kommer till Umeå vill jag se rosorna.
Powered By Porridge2011-03-30 23:38:12
Javisst kan det ordnas, gäller bara att du hälsar på här snart igen då :)

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